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The bedrock for a successful franchise system depends upon the uniformity of its operations.  That uniformity is the essence of why consumers continually trade with one of the many franchisees in the system.  Even though a franchisor’s logo, name and trade dress are an integral part of the system, it is a franchisor’s trade secrets, proprietary items and business acumen that effectively give one franchisor a competitive advantage over another.  Thus a franchisor’s methodology of doing business (part of which is encompassed in the operations manual) constitutes one of the most important elements of the Franchise System.  Likewise, without franchisees who comply with the system standards (methodology) there is no uniformity.  Without uniformity the Franchise System is on a downward course which eventually will reach a level where there can be no recovery.

It does not matter whether the franchise company is “McDonalds” or a mom and pop operation, the franchisor must exhort a willingness to protect its system standards.  Obviously a company like “McDonalds” has the capital and manpower to enforce system standards.  Consequently a consumer knows that when they eat at a “McDonalds” in California or Alabama they will get the same basic food.

Large franchisors have learned that the dollars invested in enforcing system standards to create uniformity come back to them tenfold.  Unfortunately it is generally the smaller franchisors, plagued by lack of readily available capital or a clear understanding of the value of franchise uniformity that suffer the most from problems with system compliance.  As a result smaller franchisors must strive to find the areas that truly differentiate their franchise from others and clearly define the system, system standards and at the same time, they must find less capital intensive measures to facilitate compliance by their franchisees.

One method that smaller franchisors can use is the reward system.  Reward your franchisees who do comply with system standards.  Rewards can come in any number of different approaches and are limited only by a franchisor’s imagination.  For instance, you may consider a program that awards discounts for purchases from your company to franchisees which are in compliance with system standards, or perhaps recognize compliance by a reduction in their percentage for royalty payments.  The same idea could be used to provide royalty rebates if a franchisee remains compliant for a predetermined period.  The options for a small franchisor are numerous and you don’t have to be a “McDonalds” to create an environment where franchisees want to comply.


Making a true commitment to developing, communicating and enforcing system standards will help a franchisor to ensure the consistent quality, name recognition and integrity of its franchise.  Failure to do so will lead to a continual erosion of the franchise system and its eventual collapse. 

Is Bigger Always Better?

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Many years ago I represented a franchising company with a philosophy that the sale of franchises was paramount no matter how it was done. The company stressed franchise sales so much that their only qualification to become a franchisee of the company was whether the prospect had enough available credit to pay the initial franchise fee. As the company began selling more franchises, problems began to occur. With no solid foundation upon which the company had been built, litigation became common-place. The more sales – the more litigation. The company continued to ignore the real problems and adopted a mindset that even if only 50% of new franchisees survived, the company would still grow. 

Imagine a franchise company with a Franchise Disclosure Document (“FDD”) which told the story of a 50% failure rate! But how could this franchise company have expected anything more? Signing up franchisees who did not have sufficient capital to run a business was a death spiral. The franchisees started business with two strikes against them. It wasn’t long until the franchisor found that franchisees who weren’t able to pay royalties and who were losing their businesses, led to multiple lawsuits which then led to a complete drain on the franchisor’s resources, and ultimately the demise of that company.

So is bigger always better? The answer is definitely no if the company fails to start with a solid foundation under it. A solid, successful foundation starts with a truly good management team. In the beginning, that team may consist of franchisees or that team may consist of only a couple of key people. As your company grows, search for and bring in qualified team members who understand the market, your competition and the kind of franchisees that will help your company get name recognition and dominate in your field. Perhaps you are in that interim stage where you are not quite big enough to attract the team members you know you need. Consider using a Consultant who has the expertise you need and can fill the void until you are able to afford those essential members on your team. There are any number of good franchise consultants who have the essential knowledge needed and have the years of experience that help provide the solid foundation you may be lacking.

So before your company leaves the starting gate, make sure you have the building blocks under it to be successful. Build the team that will lead your company to success. Use consultants when necessary to bridge the gap. Create a plan that helps your franchisees become successful. Successful franchisees build a successful franchise system. With a solid foundation you can then have the type of company that can be as big as you want it to be!

Thank You!

A special thanks to our clients who have called expressing their appreciation for the articles in Franchisor Alert® and have given us ideas for future articles.  Your support makes a difference!

If you are a franchisor wondering if expansion is right for your business, feel free to reach out to us at 205.408.3025 or email

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Disclaimer, Waiver and Integration Clauses

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Disclaimer, waiver and integration clauses are quite common provisions in franchise agreements, but the manner of how they are used and the way they are incorporated into the agreement determine their enforceability and consequently, their effectiveness.

Generally, when referring to a disclaimer we mean, the repudiation or renunciation of a claim or power vested in a person. A corollary provision to the disclaimer clause is the waiver, commonly thought of as the intentional or voluntary relinquishment of a known right. Disclaimer and waiver clauses are normally used in conjunction with an integration clause, which merges all prior understandings between the parties and all contemporaneous agreements into the franchise agreement as a final expression of the parties’ intent.

When not properly incorporated into your franchise agreements, these clauses can open up a can of worms by allowing franchisees to look at other ancillary documents for their interpretation of what the franchise agreement is meant to say. Rather than protecting the Franchisor, these clauses can be a sledge hammer for the franchisee to use against you. As the Franchisor, you do not want any opening for your franchisees to use against you. The language in your franchise agreement must be specific and negate any potential opening for your franchisees.

Whether your disclaimer, waiver and integration clauses are enforceable in court usually starts with the state’s public policy. As you might expect, public policy does not normally favor permitting a Franchisor to contract out of obligations, but good news – courts do recognize the legal implications of a contract, even in the face of statutory anti-waiver provisions, because they are reluctant to ignore the intentions of the parties which are evidenced by the written contract. When courts do give effect to disclaimer, waiver and integration provisions in the face of allegations like fraud, they do so based upon the initial finding that the franchisee could not have relied on the supposed misrepresentation because of the express language of the contract itself.


So, are disclaimer, waiver and integration clauses effective? The answer lies in how they are drafted and incorporated into your franchise agreement, as well as how each state accepts them. Are disclaimer, waiver and integration clauses and provisions important? Absolutely, they can be critical if you are sued by a franchisee. Without incorporating such provisions correctly in your franchise agreement you have nothing in writing to refute a franchisee’s allegations.

If you are a franchisor who has any questions about disclaimer, waiver and integration clauses, feel free to reach out to us at 205.408.3025 or email

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A Paradigm for National Accounts

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Technically a National Account or National Customer is one with two or more locations and structured decision making power within an organization. However, most everyone tends to associate a National Account as that of a client or customer that has locations throughout the country. Irregardless of the true definition, few Franchisees have the resources to negotiate national contracts or the ability to provide and deliver the services and products which the national client demands. Consequently, most National Accounts will not deal with a multiplicity of Franchisees but, instead will only negotiate with a single contracting source, the Franchisor. New Franchisors have had the benefit of watching the market place grow and have reserved the right to deal with National Accounts in their franchise agreements. More established franchise companies, on the other hand, have older contracts which convey “exclusive territories” with no right reserved for Franchisors to deal with the exclusive territory. National Accounts, however, want a single contracting source that can promise uniform service throughout the country and national discount prices. Under our old way of looking at the Franchisor-Franchisee relationship, we would approach the problem and attempt to resolve it by the Franchisor securing the national contract and attempting to retain all of the benefits flowing from the contract. This old way of thinking had its legal impediments and often led to litigation between Franchisor and Franchisee. In today’s marketplace, why not create a new paradigm, with both the Franchisor and Franchisee participating in the revenue stream. Unheard of you say, but what better way to strengthen the franchise system and create a win-win for your company and your Franchisees. Franchisees can significantly increase their revenue because they will have access to National Accounts and as a Franchisor your royalties will increase because your Franchisees sales will increase.

Also, as many businesses expand and buy out smaller vendors what better way to provide an answer to the age old Franchisee question of, “what have you done for me lately.” The answer could now be – look at your bottom line.


As the paradigm of traditional franchising changes, Franchisees can win by participating in National Account programs and Franchisors can also win by watching their bottom line grow from the increased royalty revenues generated by their Franchisees participation in the National Account programs.

If you are a franchisor who has any questions about National Accounts and/or National Customers, feel free to reach out to us at 205.408.3025 or email

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Qualifying And Selecting Franchisees

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One of the most important decisions you will make when franchising is finding the right Franchisee. To be successful as a Franchisor you must have successful Franchisees. The essential question then becomes how to select good Franchisees.

Step One: Determining criteria for a successful Franchisee.

What leads so many start-up franchise company’s to a path of litigation is the mindset that they must sell to the first warm body that calls inquiring about their franchise.

I remember the lesson I learned from one of my first franchise cases. The Franchisor required the Franchisee to be heavily involved in selling and converting leads. When I deposed the dissident Franchisee, he had no previous sales experience, had no experience hiring sales people and hated cold calls or selling face to face. Obviously the Franchisor had not done their homework. The chances of the Franchisee ever being successful were slim. Therefore, determine your criteria for a successful Franchisee from the very start.

Step Two: Qualifying prospective Franchisees. Key to successfully qualifying prospective Franchisees is building a chart containing each ingredient that makes up a successful Franchisee.

If you are an entrepreneur who founded the franchise company, you undoubtedly can look back on your experiences of what it took to make your prototype successful. But just as importantly, do you know what traits are needed to succeed as a Franchisee? Is the Franchisee value driven? What was his or her previous business experience? Was the Franchisee successful in that business? What kind of net worth does the prospect have to launch the franchise? Obviously a prospective Franchisee cannot be successful if he or she has to have 100% financing to open the doors to do business. It takes awhile before a Franchisee can net any money out of the business. As a result, it is critical  that  you  determine  a  prospect’s work ethic. No matter how you try to glamorize franchising, it still takes good old fashioned hard work to be successful.

After developing the profile of what you believe the requirements are for a prospect to be successful, work with your key personnel to create protocols in your company for finding the type of prospect you know should be successful. I say “should”, because we all know what can go afoul sometimes does go afoul, no matter what safeguards we put in place.

Once you have established the profile for a prospect, you are ready for the final test. Successful Franchisors I have observed go one step beyond developing the template for an ideal Franchisee.

The Final Step: The interview process. Focus on whether the prospect is the type of person you want representing your company. What are their goals and objectives and perhaps as importantly, will the individual you choose actually follow your franchise system? There are any number of industry tests available to assist you, but you want to make sure the prospect is a team player and not someone who after two or three months in the system will want to do things their way. What a waste of resources when you fail to properly qualify an individual who should never have been in a franchise system to start with. Usually the end result is termination and/or litigation.


The criteria you establish should be designed to produce the best possible candidate to represent your company. Don’t ever forget that all your hard work to build the company’s name can go up in smoke with one bad Franchisee, so choose wisely.

If you are a franchisor who has any questions about qualifying and selecting franchisees, feel free to reach out to us at 205.408.3025 or email

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