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Before You Terminate

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Your patience is exhausted. You have done everything in your power to help your unappreciative franchisee. You may have even suggested the best course might be to sell the franchise and you would be willing to refer your franchisee leads for his/her territory. The franchisee still will not comply with his or her franchise agreement. Perhaps the franchisee is the type that believes their way is better than yours and their conduct is starting to have a detrimental effect on your franchise system. Whatever the reason, you have reached a point of no return for this particular franchisee and believe he or she must be expunged from the franchise system.

What should you know and do before making the decision to terminate? The starting point for termination is to look at your Franchise Agreement and determine the conduct of your franchisee that constitutes a default and grounds for termination. Next, determine if you have adequate documentation to prove the violation. If you are terminating for a reason other than a standard violation (for example, failure to meet sales requirements) consult us; there are special rules which apply and careful contract drafting is essential. Review all of your contractual obligations to make sure you have fully complied with your side of the bargain; for example, if you are providing a product, has it always been timely supplied? Also, review what your prior course of dealing has been with other similarly situated franchisees. You may have modified your contractual rights. Believe it or not, there are states that permit written agreements to be modified without a subsequent writing even if the contract provides otherwise.  Be prepared for your franchisee’s argument that the covenant of good faith and fair dealing requires uniform treatment and he or she is being singled out.

Make sure you are familiar with applicable state franchise protection statutes. There are at least 17 states that require a type of good cause for termination and/or an opportunity to cure. Keep in mind that many states ignore contractual choice of law provisions if that state franchise law would otherwise be circumvented. Some states, like Texas, have a Deceptive Trade Practices Act holding the franchisor liable for certain business conduct.

Make sure you have not given your franchisee any arguments that assist him or her in claiming you have caused a defacto termination because you are in violation of the agreement or that you are actually terminating the franchisee as a penalty for his or her refusal to participate in illegal activity; for example, an unlawful tying or price fixing scheme in violation of antitrust law and “little FTC Acts.”

The main point I want to stress is the importance of knowing how to build your file before termination. Correctly done, the integrity of your franchise system will be preserved.

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Can Franchisees Be Treated Differently?

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If a politician were to answer the question posed in this issue of Franchisor Alert, he or she might give the retort, “it depends.” This answer would certainly be politically correct, as there are many facets of law which must be considered before a definitive answer to the question can be given. But the politically correct answer certainly does not help the franchise company make a decision on whether to discriminate among its franchisees. Hopefully, this issue will help franchisors by providing the process that a company must undergo before reaching the answer to a most difficult question about franchise discrimination.

The process of reaching a decision on whether a franchising company can treat franchisees differently starts with a franchisor’s own review of whether there exists a rational basis for different treatment. Can a franchisor pass the test that its conduct is not arbitrary? Justification might be premised upon such necessities as market conditions. Franchisors are often required to make competitive decisions responding to changing circumstances in the marketplace. For instance, a franchisor might provide a franchisee price concessions on products purchased where the franchisee is attempting to respond to a price war in a specific territory or the franchisor may allow certain franchisees to add additional menu items to a specific area to meet ethnic taste. If a franchisor has no quantifiable basis for discriminating among its franchisees, it should slam on the brakes and go no further. If however, the first step in our process receives a positive response from the franchisor, then we are ready for stage two.

Stage two consists of a legal analysis. Starting with the company’s franchise agreement and other relevant legal documents, legal counsel should review contractual language to determine if the franchising company has the contractual ability to treat franchisees differently. Is the language overbroad or are specific circumstances carved out when franchisees may be treated differently? Contractual language must also be reviewed in light of state statutory and common law.

There are at least 36 states with statutory provisions relating to franchise discrimination. 

Many state laws are industry specific and require the review of a knowledgeable franchise attorney. Most franchise contracts contain a choice of  law provision and if the franchisor has chosen a state with a strong anti-discrimination statute, the consequences could be disastrous to the company.  As part of the legal analysis, counsel should review how anti-trust law might affect different treatment of franchisees. The principal area of concern being price discrimination. In addition, counsel should consider a franchisor’s downside and what the potential damages might be. Obviously, the franchisee receiving special treatment has no cause to complain, but to the extent another franchisee is harmed by special treatment, a franchisor’s risk escalates.

Perhaps the Indiana Act sums up our analysis in Stage One and Stage Two most succinctly. The Act makes it unlawful to discriminate “unfairly” among franchisees. Some franchisee discrimination is by definition “fair” as long as franchisees are not similarly situated.

At the very beginning of this post, we chastised politicians answer to the question – “Can Franchisees Be Treated Differently?”, but after a thorough legal examination we find that the answer “it depends” to be very accurate.  Feel free to call or email me with your questions.  I’ll be glad to help guide you through the uncertainty and maze.

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Steps to Protect Your Trade Secrets

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Last month’s post highlighted the requirements for defining trade secrets.

Conceptually, the trade secret grant in a Franchise Agreement is a license, which confers rights and duties on a franchisee very similar to a trademark license.  Those rights and duties should be specified in your Franchise Agreement and other ancillary agreements to protect your trade secrets.  I suggest, at a minimum, that you address the following specific areas:

  • All your agreements should protect against unauthorized disclosure of trade secret information;
  • The Franchise Agreement should identify the trade secret information to be disclosed in separate documents, such as your confidential operations manual;
  • The franchisee must acknowledge a Franchisor’s ownership of trade secrets and that the trade secret information is only disclosed because of his/her relationship as a franchisee;
  • The franchisee must further acknowledge that the trade secret information is not generally known to the public or trade, and the franchisee had no previous knowledge of the trade secrets;
  • The Franchise Agreement should contain language that is flexible enough to include future developments to be included in your ancillary documents;
  • A franchisee should further acknowledge that the trade secret information is only loaned to the franchisee during the term of the franchise and is to be used in conjunction with the franchise;
  • Your Franchise Agreement should also limit the franchisee’s right to disclose trade secret information to key employees on a need-to-know basis, and require that key employees sign confidentiality agreements;
  • The franchisee should agree to observe and implement all reasonable precautions against disclosure which you may implement from time to time;
  • The franchisee should be required to report unauthorized disclosures or uses of trade secrets; and
  • The trade secret provisions in your Franchise Agreement should be tied to both in-term and post-term covenants not to compete and non-use.

Contractual provisions are not enough without a pro-active strategy on the part of Franchisors to monitor franchisee compliance. Because of employee mobility, franchisee turnover, and uncertainty of courts, it is imperative that your company implement a checks and balance system to ensure strict confidentiality.  Your trade secrets are the heart of the franchise system.  Make sure you devote the resources to protect your investment and to protect your trade secrets. 

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A Practical Look at Arbitration vs. Litigation in Franchising

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Ask Franchisors whether they prefer arbitration or litigation and you will get quite an array of viewpoints. Occasionally, opinions are based upon experience, but more often than not, mere perception.

Because each franchisor’s business is unique, what works for one company may not work for another. In order to make an informed decision on whether to use litigation or arbitration, a franchisor must understand the advantages and disadvantages of each forum. To do this, a franchisor needs the benefit of legal counsel with a knowledge about franchising.  Additionally, legal counsel must know how your business actually functions. All too often when I review a new client’s franchising program, the client never had any meaningful input about the decision on whether to use arbitration or litigation. There was never a discussion on the advantages or disadvantages of each format, particularly when considering how each format relates to that client’s unique business.

The choice of litigation may be beneficial for one client and detrimental to another.  There aren’t any “cookie cutter” molds to facilitate your decision. There are however, some relevant questions to answer in guiding your decision.

Paramount to any decision should be the cost of each approach. Litigation often involves expensive discovery consisting of motions ad infinitum and depositions that rob a growing franchisor of its most precious resource – key people.

On the other hand, arbitration may be extremely expensive. When looking at arbitration filing fees and the cost per day of each arbitrator hearing a dispute, the price can quickly rise to thousands of dollars.

This disadvantage may, however, work as an advantage for some franchisors.

Cost for a franchisee to initiate arbitration can be a deterrent to a franchisee’s aggressiveness. It is amazing, but many litigious franchisees will think twice about initiating arbitration when they are advised about its costs and are unable to find an attorney to represent them on a contingency fee basis.

An important area to consider in a franchisor’s decision on whether to use litigation or arbitration is whether a franchisor has any avenue of appeal if it does not believe the decision follows legal precedent. Litigation is structured and a judge must follow the law and, if not, there are appellate courts to ensure compliance with the law. Unfortunately in arbitration, appellate review is very limited. We sometimes find arbitrators who believe their function is to provide equity, and in doing so, they tend to compromise. With limited appellate review, there may be no viable avenue for a franchisor to appeal the arbitration decision. This would appear to be a definite strike against arbitration, but it must also be weighed in conjunction with a survey finding that the average and median jury verdicts against franchisors were dramatically higher (almost seven times) than the awards judges and arbitrators rendered against franchisors.

Whether to utilize arbitration or litigation requires a thorough knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of both concepts. As a franchisor, be diligent in learning all the pluses and minuses of each process. Don’t fall into the trap of one size fits all.

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System Standards and Stopping Defaults

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The cornerstone of every successful franchise system depends upon the uniformity of its operations. Without consistently enforcing system standards among all franchisees, a franchisor’s brand identity and goodwill are at risk. There are two steps a Franchisor should initiate to build system compliance. The cornerstone of every successful franchise system depends upon the uniformity of its operations. Without consistently enforcing system standards among all franchisees, a franchisor’s brand identity and goodwill are at risk. There are two steps a Franchisor should initiate to build system compliance.

Enforcement of system standards should start with a franchisor’s consistent inspection of franchisee operations, using trained inspectors. Each inspector should use the franchisor’s standard inspection form which lists each category and area to be inspected. The inspection report when used correctly provides a Franchisor with a blueprint for insuring compliance and additionally, helps a Franchisor assist its franchisees to improve the franchised business. At the conclusion of an inspection, a copy of the report which lists any deficiency or failure to follow system standards should be provided to the franchisee. The franchisee should be instructed on the means to correct violations and then given a time within which all violations must be corrected. If the franchisee is not present at the inspection then the operations manager should be advised of violations and should be required to sign the report. Thereafter, a copy of the report should be sent to the franchisee pursuant to the required notice section of the franchise agreement. As part of a Franchisor’s compliance program a copy of the signed report should be scanned into the franchisee’s electronic file along with proof of required notice to the franchisee. If violations are material, a Franchisor should have its attorney send the franchisee a “Notice to Cure” letter.

An additional tool a Franchisor may employ to insure system compliance is the use of electronic access to a franchisee’s operations. One common method of electronic access is logging into the POS system. A Franchisor should assign one of its staff members with responsibility for obtaining financial information, all purchasing and sales data and any number of other categories of information. The Franchisor should develop a pro forma model from a select number of franchisees or company facilities. By comparing data from other franchisees it is easy to set up red flags when a particular franchisee falls outside the parameters established from the operation of other franchisees. When coupled with other reporting mechanisms, a Franchisor can help to ensure system compliance and not let dissident franchisees go too far before curing a violation or facing termination of their agreement.

Making a true commitment to developing, communicating and enforcing system standards ensures the consistent quality of a franchise – failure to do so ensures erosion of the system and ultimately its collapse.

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